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whats is nipple drinker?

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-09-25      Origin: LONGMU


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Maintaining the quality of drinking water for poultry is an important nutritional issue because poultry consume twice as much water as feed levels. At the same time, various factors such as microbial levels, pH, mineral content, hardness, or organic load of the water in the drinking water system affect the quality of the water. Therefore, the key to ensuring water quality is to ensure that each of its factors should be within acceptable limits. In the range.

In many cases on layer farms where some of the hens are performing poorly or developing health-related problems for no apparent other reason, these problems are often related to drinking water. While the introduction of closed water systems, such as nipple drinkers, in the early 1990s revolutionized the farming industry by significantly improving water quality, it unfortunately made the farming industry impossible to visually inspect. The sanitary conditions of the drinking water system are not suitable.

chicken feeder line system (3)

Layer farms using A-type ladder cages and H-type stacked cages are equipped with closed drinking water systems, and the deployment rate of nipple drinking systems reaches 100%. The closed drinking water system configuration of laying hen houses with more than 10,000 birds in a single building usually adopts a fully closed drinking water system. The water source is mostly tap water, and deep well water is also used. The drinking water system configuration is mostly tap water pipelines, water meters, and filtration systems. device, doser, pressure reducer, nipple drinking line, drinking nipple, and backwash outlet pipe, but there are fewer drinking water lines and water tanks; chicken houses with a capacity of fewer than 10,000 birds in a single building mostly use filtering devices, drinking water Line water tank, nipple drinking line, drinking nipple.

The provincial layer system’s 2023 survey of water sources for laying hens in large-scale laying hen farms in Hai’an found that 63.16% of the water sources used were tap water and 36.84% were deep well water. It can be seen that in the choice of water source for laying hens, large-scale laying hen farms use tap water for a slightly higher proportion, and they pay more and more attention to the quality of the drinking water source for laying hens. The diameters of drinking water lines in foreign farms are mostly 2.54 cm in outer diameter and 1.90 cm in inner diameter.

A survey of our province found that the drinking water pipes of large-scale laying hen farms are mostly made of PVC, mostly round pipes, and some use square pipes. The diameter of the pipes is mostly between 2 and 5 cm. Nipple drinkers Most of them have stainless steel ball seal structures, and filters and pressure reducers are installed at the front end of the drinking water system. The configuration rate of filters and water line pressure reducers reaches 100% in laying hen farms; dosing devices are mostly supplied by cage equipment. Business operators choose according to the needs of laying hen farms. Currently, 47.06% of the surveyed laying hen farms use French DOSATRON as dosing devices.

chicken nipple drinker

2.1 Nipple drinker

Before the nipple drinking system was introduced, the drinking systems for laying hens mainly included sinks, Plazon waterers, tower or Zhong's waterers, cup waterers, etc. Compared with nipple drinking water systems, these types of drinking water systems have wastewater during use, and the hygienic condition of the drinking water end cannot be guaranteed. There are two main types of nipple drinkers: soft seals that rely on springs and rubber pads, and hard seals that rely on dimensional fit accuracy [3]. The hard seal structure is currently a sealing structure that is highly recognized and commonly used in nipple drinking water systems. There are currently three types of nipple drinkers, namely conical sealing type, flat sealing type, and spherical sealing type [4].

The application parameters of the nipple drinker are the feeding capacity of the nipple and the water output of the nipple. If the water output is insufficient, the feed intake of laying hens will be reduced, production performance will be affected, egg production will be reduced, and the later elimination weight will be low. Therefore, understanding the nipple water output of nipple drinkers at different water levels is a necessary condition for accurate drinking water management. The water output of hard-sealed structure nipple drinkers is affected by the water level height of the water line and the knocking position. The water output of the nipple drinkers is different when the drinking water level is hit sideways or upward at different water levels (Table 1, Table 2). In actual production applications, attention should be paid to observing the drinking posture and watering amount of the chickens and adjusting the water line pressure based on this. On the one hand, it can ensure that the chickens take in enough water, and at the same time, it can also reduce the amount of watering on the nipple drinkers. , to prevent excessive watering, which will lead to the poor environmental quality of the chicken house and waste of water resources. Laying hens drink different amounts of water at different ages. Some data show that the requirement for teat water output in young laying hensis (age + 20 ml)/min. In principle, laying hens should not be less than 90 ml/min. In summer, it can higher

chicken farm

2.2 Feeding capacity of nipple drinkers and height of drinking line

With the popularization of nipple drinkers, the drinking water supply method of laying hens during the brooding period has gradually transitioned from the original drinking water bottle to the nipple drinking water supply method. This change has greatly saved the labor expenditure of the breeding personnel. , while also reducing water waste and saving water resources expenditure. Laying hens at different ages have different demands and management requirements for nipple drinkers. From Table 3, it can be seen from Table 3 that the demand for the number of nipples on the drinking water pipeline in a single cage for laying hens at different ages is determined by the number of nipple drinkers. Determined by ability, and in order to enable the chickens to obtain the most comfortable drinking posture, there are also corresponding requirements for adjusting the height of the drinking line of laying hens at different age stages. In the current stacked cage breeding model in some cities, the number of nipples in a single cage is mostly 2. Some imported stacked cages use a central water line, that is, two drinking nipples are shared in opposite cage positions. Therefore, the unit of stacked cages for laying hens The number of teats configured is 1/4 to 5 chickens.

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