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The three key points of chicken feeding and management must be kept in mind

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-06-28      Origin: LONGMU


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The correct way to observe the chicken flock: do not disturb the chicken flock when entering the chicken coop, you will see that all the chickens are evenly scattered throughout the chicken coop, some chickens are eating, some are drinking water, some are playing, some are sleeping, some are "talking". Such flocks are healthy and normal flocks, otherwise, we need to find out the reason immediately: temperature? Humidity? Stress? Immunity? Feeding system? drinking system? Ventilation? Illumination?

1. Feed management focus:

1). Sufficient material level and even distribution;

2). Check whether thautomatic feeding line can operate normally;

3). The thickness of the feeding pan is uniform; the feeder pan cannot be tilted to ensure that the material line remains straight, and the feeding system line must be fixed to avoid leakage and series electricity;

4). Height adjustment of the feeding pan: ensures that the feeding tray is installed in place, and the height of the back of the chicken during the feeding period is consistent with the height of the upper edge of the grill of thfeeding pan;

5). It is not permitted to cut off the material. After each loading, check whether the end of the level gauge is transferred in place, whether the level gauge is blocked and there is an empty plate phenomenon, and whether the level gauge has the drum material, etc.;

chicken feeder line system (3)

6). Check once after each feeding to ensure that each chicken feeder pan has feed, and put away or distribute the feed at both ends of the trough to the chickens to prevent mold and deterioration after a long time.

7). Let the chickens collect the feed in the trough or the feeder tray once a day.              

8). After feeding, observe whether the feed has deteriorated such as mold, and report to the field manager in time if any abnormality is found.

Feed quality: The farm manager should pay special attention to the appearance of each feed supplied, such as color, particles, dry humidity, peculiar smell, etc. If there is any abnormality, it will not be accepted and reported.

Note: When the flock is unhealthy, feed intake will decrease first, so the feed intake should be accurately recorded, and special attention should be paid to the daily increase or decrease in feed intake!

2. Concerns of drinking water management:

1). Do not cut off the water for normal feeding to ensure that the chickens can drink clean water at all times;

2). Height: A. The waterline must be straight; B. The waterline nipples of 0-2 days old are generally at the same level as the eyes of the chicks; C. Adjust at least once every two days; D. When the chicks drink water The angle formed by the back of the chicken and the net at the bottom of the cage is 35-45°. As the chicken grows, when drinking water, the angle formed by the back of the chicken and the ground is about 75-85°; E. The height of the nipple drinking water system should be guaranteed The chickens drink water with their legs raised slightly; F. Checks the waterline and nipples once a day to ensure that the waterlines and nipples are not leaking. Water volume calculation formula ml/min=week age*7+20

broiler equipment

3). Pressure: A. For chickens aged 1-3 days, the pressure regulator (pressure valve) shows that the water level in the tube is 5-8cm; for chickens aged 4-14 days, the water level in the tube shown in the regulator is 8-- -20cm; For chickens over 15 days old, the water level of the regulator display tube is 20-35cm; B. The height of the water level display tube in summer is appropriately increased: 3-5cm;

4). Flushing: A. Backflush the water pipe at least once every two days; B. Flushing must be done in the event of drinking vaccines, drug interactions, etc.; C. Single flush and ensure the smooth flow of the water pipe;

5). Pay attention to checking whether the water line pipe, the  regulator, nipple, water pipe, etc. Are abnormal, and eliminate the gas, water leakage, blockage, etc. Immediately;

6). Check whether there is water and flow in the nipple at the tail end every four hours;

7)After 28 days, the pressure regulator and the connecting pipe are removed, cleaned and disinfected before installation and use

8). When flushing the water lines, each column should be flushed separately, all the water lines that are not flushed should be turned off, and the water pressure of the flushing water lines should be increased to ensure the flushing effect. Observe that the tail water is clean and then rinse for 5 minutes.

3. feeding Control program

In the actual production process, many farmers have never thought about controlling the weight of their chickens at all. They think that it is a good thing for chickens to eat more, and the faster they grow, the better. This shows that my chickens are well-raised. As a result, the body weight of the 14-day-old chick usually reaches more than 450 grams, which often causes the chick to grow too fast in the early stage, and then grow slowly in the later stage, with a high feed-to-meat ratio, a passive situation that is prone to disease and difficult to control.

10 days before entering the chicks, the chicks should eat freely, with small meals.

After 10 days, pay attention to observing the growth of the chicken. There is a standard. Generally, it is advisable to let the weight of the chicken reach 300 grams at the age of 14 days.

From the age of 14 days, add 2.5 grams of feed to each chick every other day on the basis of the original feed intake. If it is found that the growth is faster, the feed provided by the previous day will not increase or decrease.

At the age of 21 days, ensure that the body weight is 600 grams. The weight of the 14th and 21st day is very critical. If it is well controlled at this stage, more than half of the breeding will be successful.

From the age of 22 days to the age of 28 days, on the basis of the original feed intake, the cumulative increase of feed is 2.5 grams per day.

broiler farm equipment

From the age of 29 days, the cumulative increase in feed is 5 grams per day. What needs to be reminded is that the lanugo hair on the head of the chicken must be shed before the age of 35 days. The shedding of the lanugo hair is a sign of the development of the body's immune organs and other organs, and it is also a sign of the end of broiler brooding. If the lanugo does not fade, do not increase the feed amount accumulatively. Maintain the feed amount for 1-2 days according to the feed amount the day before. Will fade. After the lanugo fell off, the feed was continuously increased by 5 grams per day.

At the age of 36-42 days, the cumulative increase in feed is 7.5 grams per day.

From the age of 43 days, the cumulative increase of feed is 5 grams per day. As long as the feed is not passed, the cumulative increase is increased every day, and the feed is maintained for a few days. At this time, the daily intake of each chicken is limited to 210-215 grams.

 3 days before the sale, increase the light, increase the number of feedings, and feed as much as you want. But it must be noted that the continuous feed cannot exceed three days. If it cannot be sold for more than three days, 1000 chickens will quickly reduce the feed by 40 kg.


light control program

The first purpose of light control is to combine with the food control. Without the food control, it is not only difficult to control weight, but also there will be turmoil due to hunger, competition, fighting and feather pecking, etc., Which will increase the death rate; the second purpose of light control is let the chicken be quiet, and the dark lighting environment is conducive to the development of chicken viscera.

1-7 days of age, light for 22-24 hours, the intensity (the lamp is 1.8 meters from the ground) 2.5-4 watts/㎡.

8-13 days of age, light for 16 hours, and the intensity is about 1 watt/㎡.

14-21 days old, except for early spring and winter when the light is supplemented until 8 o'clock at night, in any other season, it is under natural light, and no light is supplemented at night.

 22-42 days old, increase the light for 1 hour a day, the longest lighting time is maintained for 22 hours, and the intensity is about 1 watt/㎡.

After 43 days of age, maintain 22 hours of light with an intensity of 3-4 watts/㎡.

Three days before the sale, the light time is 23-24 hours, and the light intensity is 4-5 watts/㎡.

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