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Feeding and management of broiler farming

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-06-14      Origin: LONGMU


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The correct way to observe the chicken flock: do not disturb the chicken flock when entering the chicken coop, you will see that all the chickens are evenly scattered throughout the chicken coop, some chickens are eating, some are drinking water, some are playing, some are sleeping, some are "talking". Such flocks are healthy and normal flocks, otherwise, we need to find out the cause immediately.

Drinking water


1. Do not cut off the water for normal feeding to ensure that the chickens can drink clean water at all times;

2. Height: A. The waterline must be straight; B. The waterline nipples of 0-2 days old are generally at the same level as the eyes of the chicks; C. Adjust at least once every two days; D. When the chicks drink water The angle formed by the back of the chicken and the net at the bottom of the cage is 35-45°. As the chicken grows, when drinking water, the angle formed by the back of the chicken and the ground is about 75-85°; E. The height of the nipple drinking water system should be guaranteed The chickens drink water with their legs raised slightly; F. Check the waterline and nipples once a day to ensure that the waterlines and nipples are not leaking. water volume calculation formula ml/min=week age*7+20.

feeder pan

3. Pressure: A. For chickens aged 1-3 days, the pressure regulator (pressure valve) shows that the water level in the tube is 5-8cm; for chickens aged 4-14 days, the water level in the tube shown in the regulator is 8-- -20cm; For chickens over 15 days old, the water level of the pressure regulator display tube is 20-35cm; B. The height of the water level display tube in summer is appropriately increased to 3-5cm;

4. Flushing: A. Backflush the water pipe at least once every two days; B. Flush the water pipe when drinking vaccines and medicines interact with each other; C. Flush one pipe and ensure the smooth flow of the water pipe;

5. Pay attention to check whether the water line pipe, pressure regulator, nipple, water level pipe, etc. are abnormal, and eliminate the gas, water leakage, blockage, etc. immediately;

6. Check whether there is water and flow in the nipple at the tail end every 4 hours;

After 7, 14, and 28 days, the pressure regulator and the connecting pipe are removed, cleaned, disinfected, and then installed and used;

8. When flushing the water lines, each column should be flushed separately, all the water lines that are not flushed should be turned off, and the water pressure of the flushing water lines should be increased to ensure the flushing effect. Observe that the tailwater is clean and then rinse for 5 minutes.

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Pan feeder line

1. Sufficient material level and even distribution;

2. Check whether the driving and material line can operate normally;

3. The thickness of the driving material is uniform; the material tray cannot be tilted to ensure that the material line remains straight, and the feeding system line must be fixed to avoid leakage and series electricity;

4. Height adjustment of the feeding tray: ensure that the feeding tray is installed in place, and the height of the back of the chicken during the feeding period is consistent with the height of the upper edge of the grill of the feeding tray;

5. Do not break the material. After each loading, check whether the end of the material level device is in place, whether the material level device is blocked and there is an empty plate, and whether there is drum material in the material level device; 6. After each feeding Check once at the end to ensure that each chicken cage has feed, and put away or distribute the feed at both ends of the trough to the chickens to prevent mold and deterioration over time.

7. Let the chickens collect the feed in the trough or the feeder tray once a day. 8. After feeding, observe whether the feed has any deterioration such as mold, and report to the field manager in time if any abnormality is found.

Feed quality: The farm manager or general security should pay special attention to the appearance of the feed supplied each time, such as color, particles, dry humidity, peculiar smell, etc. If there is any abnormality, it will not be accepted and reported.

chicken farm


When the flock is unhealthy, the first is that the feed intake will decrease, so it is necessary to accurately record the feed intake, and pay special attention to the daily increase or decrease of feed intake!

Ventilation system


To eliminate harmful gases in the house, take away excess heat and wind cooling effect

Minimal ventilation management:

The minimum ventilation rate is the maintenance need of the chicken flock, that is to say, the ventilation rate lower than the minimum ventilation rate will threaten the life of the flock, and the health of the flock cannot be guaranteed.

Negative pressure:

The negative pressure of the chicken house can ensure that the incoming gas reaches the highest point of the chicken house where the hot gas gathers. The choice of negative pressure is determined by the width of the chicken house and the distance moved in the chicken house. When the incoming cool air mixes with warmer air, it increases the amount of moisture in the air, thereby lowering the relative humidity. Because cooler air is heavier, it forces warm air down to the floor, increasing the temperature of the chicken bits.

Transitional ventilation: In the cold winter season, the roof ventilation mode can be adopted in the early stage. When the roof ventilation reaches 5 fans (40000m³/h), it can be adjusted to the longitudinal ventilation mode.

Longitudinal ventilation: When the overheating of the chicken house requires the wind cooling effect, it changes from transitional ventilation to longitudinal ventilation.

exhuast fan3exhuast fanventilation


The air quality in every corner of the house must be normal. Pay attention to the sealing of the chicken house, especially when the fan is disabled in winter. If the wind speed is not enough, a windshield curtain can be installed to increase the wind speed.

The detailed introduction of the ventilation system can be read in more detail in the article”How much do you know about the ventilation system of the chicken house?

”, and interested friends can go to see it.

Appropriate light can speed up the weight gain of broilers, strengthen the blood circulation of chicks, increase appetite, help calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and enhance the immunity of chicks. However, if the lighting program in our chicken house is unreasonable, the lighting is too strong or too weak, and the lighting time is too long or too short, it will hurt the chickens. First of all, I will talk to you about how to scientifically install artificial lighting equipment for chicken coops. The distance between the lights of each chicken coop should be 1.5 times the distance from the lights to the chickens, and the horizontal distance between the lights and the wall should be 1.5 times the distance between the lights. 2/1; The installation positions of the lights should be staggered and evenly distributed. The number of light bulbs installed in each chicken house can be arranged and installed according to the distance between the lights and the distance between the lights and the wall specified above. After the lighting equipment is installed according to the above requirements, the distribution of lighting equipment in the chicken house is in a reasonable range.

The growth rate of the current white-feathered broiler chickens is relatively fast, which creates a contradiction between the fast-growing muscles and the lagging development of internal organs such as the heart and lungs. Because many farmers have adopted some wrong practices in the early stage of feeding, the growth of broiler chicks in the early stage If the speed is too fast, the contradiction between the muscle growth of broiler chicks and the development of internal organs will be more prominent. The poor development of the internal organs of the chicken will lead to the decline of the body's disease resistance, and the incidence of epidemic diseases is frequent and difficult to treat. In the later stage, there are more diseases and it is difficult to raise the strange phenomenon.

The key to solving this contradiction is to control the feed and light well, control the growth rate of the muscles in the early stage of the chicks, adjust the light intensity, promote the growth and development of internal organs, and enhance the body's disease resistance; high cost, and high death rate; use the characteristics of light control and broiler compensation growth to control feed intake, reduce the feed-to-meat ratio, ultimately reduce breeding risks, and improve economic benefits of broiler growth.

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