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Farming Rabbits Breeding Knowledge

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-07-17      Origin: LONGMU


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Farming rabbits does not compare well to farming any other animal. Therefore, there are a lot of potential mistakes to be made by new rabbit breeders. The most mistakes that can be made while farming rabbits is probably while breeding.

1) Not Purchasing Quality Breeding Stock in the Beginning

Many breeders have mentioned that they regret not purchasing quality rabbits when they started breeding. Buying good quality rabbits, in the beginning, can save you many generations of improvement in the future. Good quality stock will look very different depending on what you’re breeding for.

rabbit farming drinker

2) Keeping Poor Records and Not Setting Goals

Recording dates is extremely important. Setting goals for your rabbitry will help keep you on a path and make your journey there more efficient. It is easy to get lost in the flow of daily chores while farming rabbits, that’s why it is important to set a direction for your rabbitry.

3) Bringing the Buck to the Doe While Breeding

Rabbits are very territorial and can become aggressive while protecting their space. In order to avoid fighting while breeding you must bring the doe to the buck. Additionally, if a young buck is brought to a rabbit cage and she attacks him, he can be scared into never trying to breed again. So, to avoid most issues it is recommended to always bring the doe to the buck’s cage.

4) Not Being Ready to Cull

It is so easy to get attached to our furry friends. But, if your intentions are to raise for meat, then you should be comfortable culling when the time comes.

5)Starting with too Many Rabbits or too Many Breeds

There isn’t another livestock animal that really compares to farming rabbits. So, they can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have the basics down. It’s easy to buy or keep every cute rabbit. But doing this will greatly increase your feed bill and could lower the rabbit’s quality of life. It’s important that you have a thorough understanding of basic rabbit care before your hands are overflowing with them and you run out of cage space.

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6) Overfeeding – Breeders too Fat

Reproductive ability decreases when rabbits are overweight and birthing difficulty increases. When a rabbit is too fat the fat builds along its reproductive organs. For does, this means the fallopian tubes are restricted and it is more difficult for eggs to pass through them, which leads to smaller litters.

7)Assuming New Does are Not Bred

This applies when purchasing new does as well as when you breed your own does and don’t think the breeding was successful. Even if new does are young, it should be assumed that they are pregnant when you get them. Accidental rabbit pregnancies happen often.

Feeding Mistakes When Farming Rabbits

Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems that can easily be thrown out of whack and cause serious issues. Therefore, many mistakes can be made by new breeders who are not accustomed to rabbit’s dietary needs.

8) Changing Diet too Fast

Rabbits have a very sensitive digestive tract. This means that any drastic change in feeding can quickly upset their digestive system and cause health issues, even death. When switching pellets it is important to do so very slowly. It is also important to not introduce treats or vegetables too quickly.

Rabbit Caging Mistakes When Farming Rabbits

The majority of caging mistakes when rabbits farming happens when first setting up your rodent animals. Without a mentor, it can be difficult to know how your want your rabbit cages set up before bringing your rabbits home.

9) Not Being Prepared for Predators

Rabbits are prey animals and their predators come in all shapes and sizes. When setting up your poultry cages you should account for the predators in your area. Things like rats and snakes can fit through some cage wire whereas skunks and raccoons may dig into your cages or open latches. Poultry Birds of prey should be taken into consideration if you are farming rabbits in a colony with an open top. Barn cats can also be an issue if they can reach through your rabbit breeding cage wire and grab kits.

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10) Not Having Baby Saver Wire

If your nursery cages do not have this wire attached or integrated into the normal wire the babies have a much higher risk of falling out of the cage if by chance they were born on the wire and not in the rabbit nest box.”

Baby saver wire is an extra precaution to save any kits that find their way out of the nest while they can still fit through the wire your cages are made out of.

11) Having the Wrong Cages or Not Enough Cage Space

If you have never heard of “rabbit math”, it is a real thing. You will likely want to keep all of the cute little fluffs in your first few litters. Many breeders have mentioned that they wished they started with more cages or the right cage, instead of trying to find space for rabbits down the line. Taking the time to set up your ideal rabbitry, in the beginning, will increase your quality and efficiency down the line.

Biosecurity Mistakes When Farming Rabbits

Rabbits contract diseases easily. Therefore we need to have a plan to prevent illness and disease while farming rabbits.

12) Failing to Quarantine New Rabbits

When building your rabbitry it is important to have an area where you can quarantine new rabbits. There are many diseases and illnesses rabbits can transfer to each other. So, any new rabbits should be separated from your existing rabbits for at least 30 days. Skipping this step can be detrimental to the rabbits you already have and has the potential to cause serious illness or even death.

13) Not Having an Emergency First aid Kit

Unfortunately raising any type of animal typically comes with some sort of accident or illness eventually. The best way to be prepared is to have a first aid kit, or medical box while farming rabbits. What you keep in your medical box may look very different compared to others depending on your preferred treatment methods.

The best way to get a start on your first aid kit is to get familiar with the potential illnesses in your area. You can achieve this by researching online or talking to a local breeder. Talking to an agriculture-based vet may also give you more insight. Below is a rough list to give you a starting point.

  • Gauze,cotton pads

  • Disinfectant solution

  • Antibiotic cream

  • Baby gas drops

  • Electrolytes

  • Syringes and eyedropper

  • Nail clippers

  • Scissors and tweezers

  • Gloves

  • Old Towels

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