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chicken egg industrial incubation and hatching

Views: 2023     Author: LONGMU     Publish Time: 2023-09-27      Origin: LONGMU


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‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍First of all, select the appropriate incubator based on the number of hatching eggs (you can choose the mini machine, industrial machine, and large egg truck industrial machine produced by our factory according to the number of eggs);

After receiving the incubator, many customers rush to install it and start it up immediately; this is wrong. After receiving the new machine, you must first conduct a machine incubator test according to the instructions. After the test machine is normal, it can then be put into use (according to the requirements using the machine);

The factory settings for hatching eggs are 37.8 degrees Celsius and 65% humidity. The humidity is adjusted to 75% in the last three days; the temperature can be adjusted appropriately according to the ambient temperature.

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Many hatchery friends buy eggs online and put them directly into the machine for incubation after receiving them. As a result, only a few chicks hatch out at the end of the incubation. This is the reason for the poor hatching effect. This shows that the importance of hatching eggs cannot be ignored.

The following introduces the entire process from egg selection to shelling:

The first step is to choose eggs:

The screening of hatching eggs is particularly important. First, choose the shape of hatching eggs:

Eliminate eggs that are too large, too small, too round, have a convex waist, have sharp ends, etc. These eggs will be malformed and have a low hatchability;

We need to choose hatching eggs of moderate size, round shape, and normal size;

Appearance options:

Remove cracked eggs, blood eggs, fecal eggs, sand-preserved eggs, steel-preserved eggs, wrinkled eggs, and broken eggs;

It is best to choose a clean surface, with no damage, and an oval shape.

Double-yolk eggs cannot hatch

The second step is to save the eggs:

Choose fresh eggs 3-7 days after birth. Especially in summer, the time must not be too long. The longer the time, the more it will affect the hatchability;

Eggs transported over long distances need to be placed with the big end up for 24 hours before incubation. This will help adjust the egg air chamber and prevent chicks from hatching at the small end;

The most suitable storage temperature for hatching eggs is 13-18 degrees.

In places where the ambient temperature is low in winter, you can put the eggs in an environment of 25-30 degrees to preheat for one to two days before incubation, and then put them into the machine for incubation (Note:

Eggs cannot be stored in the refrigerator)


The third step of disinfection:

For disinfection, you can choose potassium permanganate and warm water, the ratio is:

1:1000, two containers, mixed with warm water and potassium permanganate, first wipe gently in the warm water basin, then put the eggs into the water basin mixed with potassium permanganate and soak for 50 seconds for disinfection. Let it dry naturally before putting it into the incubator (do not store it for a long time after disinfection);

Note that sterilization is not recommended for those who are inexperienced or cannot control the proportions and methods. For eggs that are too dirty, just wipe them clean with a clean rag dipped in warm water.

The fourth step is to incubate:

After the temperature and humidity of the test machine are normal, the hatching eggs can be put into the egg tray(egg tray machine) with the big end facing up for hatching;

Turn on the egg turning switch, pay attention to the temperature and humidity during incubation, and do not open the machine door unless there are special circumstances.

The fifth step is to take photos of eggs:

On the seventh day of incubation, use an egg detector to check the eggs. Those with obvious bloodshot eyes are fertilized eggs, and those that are transparent and translucent are infertile eggs. Eliminate infertile eggs and weakly fertile eggs (eggs that are difficult to judge can be marked. , next time you look at the eggs, pay attention to distinguish them and remove them)

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Step 6: Place the order:

On the 18th day after hatching, stop turning the eggs and turn the eggs on the egg tray into the hatching basket;

Spray water on the hatching eggs in the last three days. Spray warm water around 40 degrees 4-6 times a day depending on the humidity. You can increase or decrease the number of sprays according to the hatching situation;

Spray water in order to increase the humidity and soften the eggshells, so that the baby chickens will be easier to hatch (the humidity setting of the industrial machine can be adjusted to 75 in the last few days);

Open the vents appropriately according to the temperature and humidity. If the temperature is too high in summer, you can dry the eggs appropriately. The time and frequency of drying the eggs should be adjusted according to the temperature.

Step 7: hatching/brooding:

After the chicks hatch, wait until the feathers are dry before taking them out. Pay attention to keeping the chicks warm;

You can use heat preservation lamps, brooding boxes, etc. for brooding. Make preparations in advance. The brooding temperature is 30-35 degrees. It is recommended that a larger space help the chicks find a suitable temperature. The temperature can be adjusted based on the observation of the chicks. The place where they gather together to find warmth is If the temperature is on the low side, opening the mouth and crawling on the sides means the temperature is high. Adjust the brooding temperature according to the actual situation.

Drink some warm water 24 hours after hatching, and then feed the chicks fine feed. Do not leave the chicks in the incubator for a long time. Once the feathers are dry, you can take them out and place them in a brooding box. You can find a large cardboard box to make the brooding box yourself. Make a hole in the top and put in a professional insulation light bulb. The temperature of the brooding box should not be lower than 35 degrees. , the temperature should be added up before the baby chickens are put in. Drink warm water 15-24 hours after hatching. After drinking the water, you can feed. The finer the feed particles are in the first 5 days, the better. After 5 days, the bedding can be removed. La, the feed is packed in small plates, and the temperature inside the box can slowly drop from the next day, by 0.5 degrees every day, slower in winter.

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